02 October 2011

Wheatgrass Pesto

This started when my mom gifted me with a cute, seemingly useless, little container of wheatgrass. I don't own a juicer, and what else can you do with wheatgrass? Ultimately, I decided to do with it what I do with most other green things I need to get rid of: make it into pesto.

Sounds weird, I know. I was skeptical, but it actually turned out pretty tasty! Bonus: I got in touch with my inner hippie! Many people in my life would probably argue that I'm never too far out of touch with my inner hippie, but I don't eat wheatgrass much. Or ever.

The problem with wheatgrass is its stringy texture. I tried really hard to puree it in the food processor, but it never completely broke down. Fortunately, once tossed with pasta, the texture wasn't bothersome at all. I cut the wheatgrass with parsley, which tastes kind of grassy anyway, and the flavor wasn't all that different from an ordinary parsley pesto. Except it's extra healthy, I guess.

Wheatgrass Pesto

1 bunch parsley
1 bunch wheatgrass (about the same amount as the parsley)
1/4 cup roasted sunflower seeds
1/4 cup olive oil
3 Tbsp. lemon juice
4-6 cloves garlic
salt and pepper to taste

Blend it all up in a food processor! Toss with pasta, using some of the pasta water to make it saucier.

On a completely unrelated note, check out our very last two remaining backyard strawberries! I thought the strawberries were done, but these guys were still hanging on, being cute. I almost felt bad eating them. Almost.

Thanks for a good summer, little strawberry plants. Also, thanks to the bugs for not eating them before I got there.


Erinwiko said...

Such a great idea!

B.A.D. said...

Wow, what kinda food processor do you have that blends wheatgrass?

Ashley said...

I have a 12-cup Kitchenaid. It's a beast, and I love it.

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